Here we go again, the Q's and A's: Based on all the Q's, I will paraphrase the questions and give Harriett's exact response. Please send me more questions; Q 1) Can we get a list of the cartoon series Sheena is involved in and when they will air? A 1> Sheena will be appearing in "Road Rovers" and "All Dogs Go To Heaven 2". These two series are not yet on, but will be on in the fall. She has already appeared in "Gargoyles". There is no way for Harriett to know when they are on as the are syndicated and air at different times depending on what part of the country you are in. Q 2) What part is Sheena playing in Grease? Will she make advance appearances to promote this? Will Sheena be part of a new cast recording? A 2> Sheena is playing Rizzo in Grease. She has already made one advance trip to Portland to promote the show. No other trips are planned at this time. There will not be a new cast recording. Q 3) Will Sheena play any overseas shows? A 3> No overseas shows are planned at this time. The rest of the year is pretty full. Q 4) Is there any status about a US label for Sheena's next album? A 4> The album is not complete. It has just been started, therefore there is no more information regarding the US. Q 5) Will Sheena produce or executive produce any albums? A 5> Sheena has co-produced two tracks on the album. Q 6) What about an "unreleased duet with Prince"? A 6> Harriett has no knowledge of this. Q 7) Will (Harriett) make the album available for sale in the USA? A 7> The album will be available in the USA. The method has not been determined yet. Q 8) Are there any Sheena materials available for sale? A 8> No. Q 9) Will Sheena do anything special for the New Year's Eve show? Could Sheena have a Q/A during the show? A 9> There will be no question/answer!!! She is there to perform and there will be a countdown at midnight. Q10) Is Sheena on the InterNet and what is her E-Mail address? A10> No she is not on the internet.