Here's the latest Q/A from Harriet with some extra information. Update1) Here are the cities where Sheena will be performing in "Grease". 2/25-3/09 Minneapolis 3/11-3/30 Chicago 4/01-4/06 Milwaukee 4/08-4/20 LosAngeles Update2) Here are scheduled upcoming concerts: 5/16-5/18 Desert Inn, Las Vegas 5/23-5/25 Claridge, Atlantic City Update3) Sheena's new album is titled "Freedom" and will be released in Japan on 4/20/97. The single from the album is titled "Love Me with Freedom" and will be released in Japan on 3/20/97. This is only for the Japan market for now. A deal for Europe and the USA is not concluded yet. An update will follow when there is a deal for Europe and/or the USA. Here are the questions/answers: Q1,2,3) A fan states: "101" is probably Sheena's most dramatic song and so well suited to be played in a movie. Has Sheena or her agents ever considered or will they consider shopping it around to featured in movie sometime in the future? What does Sheena think of this song (101)? Is it one of her favorites? A1,2,3) No comment. Q4) What information is there on a video for the new version of 'Modern Girl'. The person who asks, states they know someone in Japan who saw the video. A4) There is no video. Q5) Someone from Playbill told someone that Sheena is scheduled to play in "Grease!" in March. If so, what/where? A5) See update1 above. Q6) Has Sheena ever considered doing a holiday album? A6) Maybe. Q7) Has Sheena ever considered doing a children's album? A7) Yes, she has considered it, maybe in the future. Q8,9) Has there been any thought to doing a 'box set'? If so, would it be possible to include the tracks from "No Sound But a Heart"? A8,9) Not at the present time. Q10) Are there any west coast appearances/concerts scheduled? A10) See updates above. Q11) Are there any appearances scheduled near the Atlanta and/or Orlando area? A11) No. Q12) Will Sheena be performing any "No Strings" type concerts in 1997? A12) No. Randy De Meno