A while ago some phone numbers were published containing some of Sheena's management. The list had a question with regard to maybe having someone contact the management in order to get updated information on Sheena's appearances and schedules. After E-Mailing back/forth with Vanapha and Sefan I volunteered to try to set up some sort of communication with Harriett. After a couple of weeks of telephone tag, Harriett and I finally caught up with each other. First off, Harriett was very helpful (after checking I wasn't some sort of kook) and professional. The initial information she had for us was basic, but here it is: 1. Sheena is in a 'quiet period' examing the POSSIBILITY of cutting another album. Harriett stressed this does not mean one is anywhere near iminent. Nor does this mean that a USA label is going to be used. 2. Sheena is involved in 3 songs in All Dogs 2. One is a solo, one is a duet with Charlie Sheen and one as part of the entire cast. 3. She confirmed the dates in Reno and Tahoe (Reno 3/22-23 @ Silver Legacy) and (Tahoe 5/17-19 @ Harrah's). 4. There are no east coast (USA) concerts scheduled as of now. We (the list) do have a way to ask questions. Basically E-Mail me the question and every 3 or 4 weeks I'll contact Harriett for us. She'll answer the questions to the best of her knowledge. Please keep the questions, err, how would you say, _______? On the positive side, Harriett thinks this is a good way to communicate with numerous people, although there is concern about illegal/illicit/doctored information and such on the Net. So the privlidge is ours to lose. This is an experiment for Sheena's management. We'll be able to keep using this privilidge as long as we don't abuse it. I get the feeling this is something new for Harriett. As of now, there are no plans for Sheena's management to get electronically involved with the Net. It's a future thought. So, if you have questions for Sheena's management, please E-Mail them to me. My E-Mail ID is; rd@abars.att.com